If you wondered how all the millions of invaders arrive at our southern border, well fed and well clothed after traveling thousands of miles, this video exposes how the various organizations such as Doctors Without Borders, The Red Cross and many other organizations make it possible for millions of people to arrive at our southern border. The plan, part of Agenda 2030, is to change the demographics of the United States into a Socialist country. Thanks to Brian Austin of Wilmington for sharing this very important video. Please share with all your contacts and ask them to remember this video when they vote in 2024. We, the citizens of this country, are being replaced !
‘Grain of Sand’ Film Festival Showcased Climate Stories Ambassadors' Personal and Community Stories
Feb. 25, 2023 midnight
The "Grain of Sand" Film Festival (see news release) sponsored by the Montgomery County Government, utilized illegal aliens and their anchor babies to tell us stories about how "Climate Change" made them migrate to Maryland! The illegals are shockingly called "Ambassadors" who tell us their sad tales of coming to Maryland. You can't make this up!
Gosh, I thought they were border jumpers and it was the County's sanctuary status, free social services, healthcare, housing, energy, and job assistance, in-state college tuition, drivers' licenses and more that caused these uninvited guests them to invade our communities.
Patriot Club of America
Featured Speaker have Brad Botwin, the Director of HelpSaveMaryland.org, updated us on the growing impact of illegal immigration in our communities. It is directly affecting our schools, crime, and health care. As a brief overview: ~ The number of immigrants turned away or apprehended at borders reached 2.8 million in FY 2022, the highest number since at least 1980. ~ Immigration officials removed 89,000 people from the US in 2021. This is the fewest removals since 1996. ~ The federal government estimated 11.4 million unauthorized immigrants were in the country in 2018. (The Department of Homeland Security has not published new data on unauthorized immigrants since providing these estimates in January 2021. PATRIOT CLUB OF AMERICA Timonium, MD 21093 June 5, 2023
Donate $5 to Help Save Maryland and receive 3 stickers
"Say No to Casa de Maryland."
Send your donation check to Help Save Maryland, PO Box 5742, Rockville, MD 20855, with your name and address to receive your stickers.
Donate $5 to Help Save Maryland and receive 3 stickers
Donate $5 to Help Save Maryland and receive 3 stickers
"Say No to Casa de Maryland."
Send your donation check to Help Save Maryland, PO Box 5742, Rockville, MD 20855, with you name and address to receive your stickers.
Help Save Maryland...
Educating fellow Marylanders about the financial, economic, social and educational costs of illegal immigration at the state and local level.
Here we periodically highlight the lawless uses of our tax dollars on ridiculous programs and projects for illegal aliens in Maryland.
‘Grain of Sand’ Film Festival Showcased Climate Stories Ambassadors' Personal and Community Stories
Feb. 25, 2023 midnight
The "Grain of Sand" Film Festival (see news release) sponsored by the Montgomery County Government, utilized illegal aliens and their anchor babies to tell us stories about how "Climate Change" made them migrate to Maryland! The illegals are shockingly called "Ambassadors" who tell us their sad tales of coming to Maryland. You can't make this up!
Gosh, I thought they were border jumpers and it was the County's sanctuary status, free social services, healthcare, housing, energy, and job assistance, in-state college tuition, drivers' licenses and more that caused these uninvited guests them to invade our communities.
How much did this needless program cost Montgomery County, MD taxpayers?